報告題目:On the spectral radius of graphs without linear forests and star forests
摘要:The Tur\'an type problems ask to maximize the number of edges over all graphs which do not contain a graph $F$ as a subgraph. Similarly, their spectral counterparts ask to maximize the spectral radius of all graphs which do not contain a graph $F$ as a subgraph. In this talk, we present the sharp upper bounds of the spectral radius of all graphs which do not contain a linear forest and a star forest as a subgraph and characterize all the extremal graphs attaining the upper bounds, respectively.
報告時間👨👩👧:2023 年 4 月 2 日 9: 00
報告人簡介:陳明珠, 海南大學必一体育平台副教授, 2019 年獲上海交通大學博士學位🧜🏼🖼。主要從事代數圖論, 特別是譜 Tur\'an 型問題的研究。主持國家自然科學基金青年項目和海南省自然科學基金高層次人才項目。在 Discrete Mathematics, Linear Algebra and its Applications,Linear and MultilinearAlgebra 等雜誌發表 SCI 論文多篇。