報告題目:Exhaustive existence and non-existence results for some prototype polyharmonic equations
報告摘要🤌:We will consider polyharmonic equations $\Delta^m u = \pm u^p$ in ${\mathbb R}^n$ for all $n, m \in {\mathbb N}^*$ and $p \in {\mathbb R}$. We study the existence of entire positive and/or non trivial nonnegative solutions. In each case, we provide necessary and sufficient conditions on the exponent $p$ to guarantee the existence of such classical solutions in ${\mathbb R}^n$. This is a joint work with Q.A. Ng\^o, V.H. Nguyen and Q.H. Phan.
報告人簡介🕟:1990年畢業於武漢大學數學系中法數學實驗班💅🏻,1994年獲得法國卡尚高師數學博士🚴🏽♀️,師從Frédéric Hélein教授,1994年至2008年任職於法國Cergy-Pontoise大學,2008-2018年法國洛林大學教授,2018年9月法國洛林大學🧦、華東師範大學教授🎢。