

題目🤾🏽‍♀️:空間傳染病的相變🚶🏻‍♀️‍➡️:機製和湧現特性(Pattern transitions inspatial epidemics: Mechanisms and emergent properties





Infectiousdiseases are a threat to human health and a hindrance to societal development.Consequently, the spread of diseases in both time and space has been widelystudied, revealing the different types of spatial patterns. Transitions betweenpatterns are an emergent property in spatial epidemics that can serve as apotential trend indicator of disease spread. Despite the usefulness of such anindicator, attempts to systematize the topic of pattern transitions have beenfew and far between. We present a mini-review on pattern transitions in spatialepidemics, describing the types of transitions and their underlying mechanisms.We show that pattern transitions relate to the complexity of spatial epidemicsby, for example, being accompanied with phenomena such as coherence resonanceand cyclic evolution. The results presented herein provide valuable insightsinto disease prevention and control, and may even be applicable outsideepidemiology, including other branches of medical science, ecology,quantitative finance, and elsewhere.



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