姓名 | 朱艷 |
職稱 | 副教授 |
主要研究領域 | 代數組合 |
電子郵箱 | zhuyan@usst.edu.cn |
辦公室 | 必一体育平台903室 |
所在部門 | 必一体育平台數學系 |
教育背景與工作經歷 |
教育背景 博士🗳,基礎數學,上海交通大學,2012-2017
工作經歷 副教授,上海理工大學,2023-至今 講師,上海理工大學,2019-2023 博士後,上海大學,2017-2019 |
科(教)研項目及成果 |
1. Li Nan, Zhu Yan. PBIB-designs from certain subsets of distance-regular graphs. Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 50 (2024), no. 15. 2. Zhu Yan. Optimal and extremal graphical designs on regular graphs associated with classical parameters. Designs, Codes and Cryptography 91 (2023) 2737–2754. 3. Wang Aiguo, Zhu Yan. Euclidean designs obtained from spherical embedding of coherent configurations. Journal of Combinatorial Designs 31 (2023) 143-161. 4. Wang Meichao, Zhu Yan. Anticoherent spin-2 states and spherical designs. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 55(2022) 425304 (12pp). 5. Bannai Eiichi, Bannai Etsuko, Tanaka Hajime, Zhu Yan. Tight relative t-designs on two shells in hypercubes, and Hahn and Hermite polynomials, ARS Mathematica Contemporanea 22(2022), #P2.01. 6. Peng Ling, Zhu Yan, Zhong Wenxuan. Lasso regression in sparse linear model with \phi-mixing errors. Metrika (2022), 1-26. 7. Guo Yi, Gao Lei, Zhu Yan. ARL Estimation of the Control Chart of Log Likelihood Ratios’ Sum for Markov Sequence. Journal of Mathematics (2021) 1-10. 8. Zhu Yan. Relative t-designs in non-binary Hamming association. schemes. Graphs and Combinatorics 37 (2021),1775–1791. 9. Bannai Eiichi, Bannai Etsuko, Xiang Ziqing, Yu Wei-Hsuan, Zhu Yan. Classification of feasible parameters by solving Diophantine equations, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 25 (2021) no.1: 1-22. 10. Zhu Yan, Watamura Naoki. Relative t-designs in Johnson association schemes for P-structure, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 88 (2020), 2101–2118. 11. Bannai Eiichi, Nakahara Mikio, Zhao Da, Zhu Yan. On the explicit constructions of certain unitary t-designs, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 52 (2019) 495301 (17pp). 12. Bannai Eiichi, Zhu Yan. Tight 𝑡-designs on one shell in Johnson association schemes. European Journal of Combinatorics 80 (2019), 23–36. 13. Bannai Eiichi, Zhao Da, Zhu Lin, Zhu Yan, Zhu Yin-Feng. Half of an antipodal spherical design. Archiv der Matheatik 110 (2018), 459–466. 14. Zhu Yan, Bannai Eiichi, Bannai Etsuko, Kim Kyoung-Tark, Yu Wei-Hsuan. On spherical designs of some harmonic indices. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 24 (2017), no. 2, #P2.14. 15. Zhu Yan, Bannai Eiichi, Bannai Etsuko, Ikuta Takuya, Kim Kyoung-Tark. Harmonic index designs in binary Hamming association schemes. Graphs and Combinatorics 33 (2017):1405– 1418. 16. Bannai Eiichi, Bannai Etsuko, Zhu Yan. Relative 𝑡-designs in binary Hamming association scheme 𝐻(𝑛, 2). Designs, Codes and Cryptography 84 (2017), no. 1, 23–53. 17. Bannai Eiichi, Bannai Etsuko, Tanaka Hajime, Zhu Yan. Design theory from the viewpoint of algebraic combinatorics. Graphs and Combinatorics 33 (2017), no. 1, 1–41. 18. Zhu Yan, Bannai Eiichi, Bannai Etsuko. Tight relative 2-designs on two shells in Johnson association schemes. Discrete Mathematics 339 (2016), no. 2, 957–973. 19. Bannai Eiichi, Bannai Etsuko, Zhu Yan. A survey on tight Euclidean t-designs and tight relative t-designs in certain association schemes. Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 288 (2015) no.1, 189–202. |
主講課程 |
高等數學🦖🧏🏼♀️;代數組合 |
學術活動與社會服務 |
美國《數學評論》評論員 |
榮譽 |
2021年獲上海理工大學青年教師教學競賽一等獎 2021年度大學生創新創業優秀指導教師團隊特等獎 第四屆上海高校青年教師培養資助計劃課程思政教學案例展演三等獎