Email: bi_wenchao@126.com;wenchao_bi@usst.edu.cn
博士,2020年上海市優秀畢業生。發表SCI學術論文9篇👊🏻,總影響因子達90, 其中第一作者 6篇🧑🏽✈️。已申請國家發明專利4項🚳🎋,授權3項⏺。參與國內外科研項目共5項,主持1項👩🏿🔬。參加國際學術會議5次,包括全英文口頭報告1次,"最佳海報獎”1次。擔任國際期刊Energy Storage Materials, Science China Materials和Journal of Nanophotonics審稿人。
2020.11-至今 上海理工大學 必一体育平台物理系 講師
2014.9-2020.5 同濟大學 物理科學與工程必一 博士
2017.10-2019.5 華盛頓大學 材料科學與工程必一 聯合培養博士
W. Bi, et al, Sodium Vanadate/PEDOT Nanocables Rich with Oxygen Vacancies for High Energy Conversion Efficiency Zinc Ion Batteries. (2021) DOI: 10.1016/j.ensm.2021.05.003 (IF= 16.83)
W. Bi, et al, Interface Engineering V2O5 Nanofibers for High-Energy and Durable Supercapacitors. Small, 15, (2019) 1901747. (IF=11.46) 引用19次
W. Bi, et al, V2O5-Conductive Polymer Nanocables with Built-in Local Electric Field Derived from Interfacial Oxygen Vacancies for High Energy Density Supercapacitors, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 7, (2019) 17966-17973. (IF=11.30) 引用13次
W. Bi, et al.Tailoring Energy and Power Density through Controlling the Concentration of Oxygen Vacancies in V2O5/PEDOT Nanocable-based Supercapacitors. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11 (2019) 16647-16655. (IF=8.76) 引用18次
W. Bi, et al. Gradient Oxygen Vacancies in V2O5/PEDOT Nanocables for High-performance Supercapacitors. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2 (2018) 668-677. (IF= 4.47) 引用18次
W. Bi, et al. Novel Three-dimensional Island-chain Structured V2O5/Graphene /MWCNT Hybrid Aerogels for Supercapacitors with Ultralong Cycle Life, RSC Advances, 1 (2017), 7179-7187. (IF=3.12) 引用14次
C. Liu, J.Yuan, R.Masse, X. Jia, W. Bi et al. Interphases, Interfaces, and Surfaces of Active Materials in Rechargeable Batteries and Perovskite Solar Cells, Advanced Materials, (2020), 1905245. (IF=27.40)
Y. Liu, D. Guan, G Gao, X. Liang, W. Bi et al. Enhanced Electrochemical Performance of Electrospun V2O5 Nanotubes as Cathodes for Lithium Ion Batteries, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 726 (2017) 922-929. (IF=4.65)
Y. Wu, G. Gao, H. Yang, W. Biet al. Controlled Synthesis of V2O5/MWCNT Core/Shell Hybrid Aerogels through a Mixed Growth and Self-Assembly Methodology for Supercapacitors with High Capacitance and Ultralong Cycle Life, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3 (2015) 15692-15699. (IF= 11.70)
2021.5-2024.4.上海市揚帆計劃項目(21YF1430900) 20