姓名 | 宇振盛 |
職稱 | 教授 |
主要研究領域 | 最優化、機器學習 |
電子郵箱 | zhsh-yu@163.com |
辦公室 | 必一体育平台813室 |
所在部門 | 必一体育平台數學系 |
教育背景與工作經歷 |
教育背景 博士,運籌學與控製論, 大連理工大學,2001-2004 碩士,運籌學與控製論, 曲阜師範大學,1998-2001 學士,數學與計算機科學,曲阜師範大學,1991-1995 工作經歷 教授,上海理工大學,2021.7-至今 副教授,上海理工大學,2005.1-2021.6 講師,上海理工大學,2004.7-2005.12 訪問學者,新加坡國立大學,2013.12-2014.12 博士後,同濟大學,2005.10-2007.11 |
科(教)研項目及成果 |
教學與科研項目 1.2020年-2022年,《新工科專業集群建設的“加減乘”機製及人才培養路徑研究》,教育部新工科研究與實踐項目 2.2018年-2020年,《三線並聯,培養新工科人才“雙創”能力的探索與實踐》,教育部新工科研究與實踐項目 3.2016年-2018年,《工程教育聯盟的模式及機製探索與研究》,中國高教學會高等教育科學研究“十三五”規劃課題 4.2017年-2018年,《三破三立打造創新創業教育升級版》,上海市教委重點推進項目 5.2012年1月-2015年12月,基於非光滑分析與優化的混雜博弈研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目 6.2007年1月-2009年12月,生存性與穩定性中的非光滑優化理論與方法,國家自然科學基金面上項目 A dynamic programming approach for generalized nearly isotonic optimization, MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING COMPUTATION,online. 2.Jing Xu, Zhensheng Yu, Tonghua Zhang, Sanling, Yuan, Near-optimal control of a stochastic model for mountain pine beetles with pesticide application, STUDIES IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS, 2022, online. 3.Yuanyuan Li, junxiang Li, Zhengsheng Yu, et.al, A cosh-based smoothing Newton algorithm for the real-time pricing problem in smart grid, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS, 2022:135. 4.Zhensheng Yu, Lin Li,Peixin Li,A modified multivariate spectral gradient algorithm for solving absolute value equations,APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS,2021:121. 5.Zhensheng Yu,Peixin Li, An active set quasi-Newton method with projection step for monotone nonlinear equations, AIMS MATHEMATICS,2021:6 (4) , pp.3606-3623. 6.Zhensheng Yu,Peixin Li ,A trust region method with project step for bound constrained optimization without compact condition,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER MATHEMATICS,2021: 98 (3) , pp.449-460. 7.Zhensheng Yu, Yangchen Liu, Xinyue Gan, Nonmonotone Inexact Newton Method for the Extended Linear Complementarity Problem,Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 38 (2017),1458-2472. 8.Ying Ji, Shaojian Qu, Zhensheng Yu, A New Method for Solving Multiobjective Bilevel Programs, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society Volume 2017, Article ID 2870420, 10 pages. 9.Ying Ji, Shaojian Qu, Zhensheng Yu,Bi-level multi-objective optimization model for last mile delivery using a discrete approach,Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 23 (2017),179-190. 10.Yi Qin, Zhensheng Yu, A smoothing least square method for nonlinear complementarity problem, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 36(2013), 1783–1789. 11.Zhensheng Yu,Yanyan Zhu,Qianqian Cao,On the Convergence of Central Path and Generalized Proximal Point Method for Symmetric Cone Linear Programming,Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences. 7(2013),2327–2333. 12.Zhensheng Yu, Qin yi, A cosh-based smoothing Newton method for P0 nonlinear complementarity problem, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, (12)2011, 75-884. 13.Zhensheng Yu, Jing Sun, Yi Qin, A multivariate spectral projected gradient method for bound constrained optimization, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 235(2011)2263-2269. 14.Zhensheng Yu, Changxiang He,Yu Tian, Global and local convergence of a nonmonotone trust region algorithm for equality constrained optimization,Applied Mathematical Modeling 34 (2010) 1194–1202. 15.Zhensheng Yu, Jinsong Zang, and Jingzhao Liu,A class of nonmonotone spectral memory gradient method, J. Korean Math. Soc. 47 (2010)63-70. 16.Zhensheng Yu, Ji Lin and Jing Sun et.al,Spectral gradient projection method for monotone nonlinear equations with convex constraints,Applied Numerical Mathematics 59 (2009) 2416–2423. 17.Zhenseng Yu, ke Su and Ji Lin, A smoothing LM method for the extended linear complementarity problem, Applied Mathematics Modeling, 33(2009)3409-3420. 18.Ke Su, Zhensheng Yu, A modified SQP algorithm with global convergence,Computer & Mathematics with Applications, 57(2009)240-247. 19.Zhensheng Yu, Qiang Li, A self adaptive trust region algorithm for the extended linear complementarity problem, Applications of Mathematics,54(2009) 53-62. 20.Zhensheng Yu, Weiguo Zhang and Ji Lin, A Trust Region Algorithm with Memory for Equality Constrained Optimization, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 29(2008) 717-734. 21.Zhensheng Yu, Dingguo Pu, A new nonmonotone line search technique for unconstrained optimization, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 219(2008) 134-144. 22.Zhensheng Yu, Solving bound constrained optimization via a new nonmonotone spectral projected gradient method, Applied Numerical 3 Mathematics,58(2008)1340-1348. 23.Zhensheng Yu, Weiguo Zhang and Baofeng Wu, Strong global convergence of an adaptive nonmonotone memory gradient algorithm for unconstrained optimization, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 185(2007) 681-688. 24.Zhensheng Yu, Solving Semidefinite Programming Problems Via Alternating Direction Methods, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 193(2006)437-445. |
主講課程 |
運籌學、數學規劃、線性代數、概率論與數理統計、解析幾何、工程數學 |
學術活動與社會服務 |
榮譽 |
1.2019年-2020年,指導學生獲中國國際互聯網+大學生創新創業大賽全國銀獎3項,上海市金獎3項,上海市鄉村振興獎2項,優秀指導教師 2.2018年,獲國家級教學成果二等獎 3.2017年,獲上海市級教學成果特等獎1項,1等獎2項 4.2015年-2017年,獲全國高等學校創業教育先進個人 5.2017年,獲批國家級精品在線開放課程 6.2022年,獲上海市教學成果獎特等獎1項,一等獎1項,二等獎1項。 |